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In order to guide the design of next generation 学习 environments, architects 和 planners must be knowledgeable of several 学习 theories. 近年来, the rise of evidence-based design throughout multiple industries has led school designers to engage in research on what it takes to 创造一个成功的学习环境. 响应式设计可以吗...




In order to guide the design of next generation 学习 environments, architects 和 planners must be knowledgeable of several 学习 theories. 近年来, the rise of evidence-based design throughout multiple industries has led school designers to engage in research on what it takes to 创造一个成功的学习环境. 响应式设计可以吗 a 学习 environment motivate a student to learn? Furthermore, can it help eliminate anxiety 和 give a sense of identity to the learner.

While many of our known 学习 theories argue that the building or space in which 学习 occurs is simply a backdrop for 学习, practice theory is often said to be the theory of focus for responsive designers. 今天, many designed school buildings are a product of resistant design that neglects to emphasize the importance of teaching, 学习  学习环境 同样 影响个体学习者. Practice theory sees both the learner 和 the environment as active. This is partially due to the idea within this theory that states 学习 requires three levels of dynamic participation: peripheral, 引导和全面参与.

“The designers who embrace practice theory may be described as responsive, for they underst和 that human beings develop 和 acquire knowledge from their transactions with their environments.——彼得·C. 利普曼 

A designer underst和ing these issues fundamentally acknowledges that a student’s transactions influences their own environment. 因此,环境也会影响学生. 但如何?

The responsive designer underst和s Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, first 和 foremost. Successful 学习 environments must provide varied spaces to meet physiological 和 safety needs at a minimum. 当谈到学生的焦虑时, 从一所学校到另一所学校的大规模过渡可能会带来麻烦. 大多数时候, the idea of leaving a nurturing environment of an elementary school to enter into a new, 令人不安的环境, 比如初中, 焦虑会导致学生成绩下降吗. 教育al village concepts have been seen as a growing trend among designers because of this notion. 

不同于抵抗设计师的细胞和铃的设计, 响应式设计师还将提供支持的空间 多种学习方式 在传统的讲座形式之外(i.e. independent study, collaboration, one-on-one 学习, naturalist 学习, etc.). Recent evidence-based design research has shown that the responsive designer can make great strides to improve student engagement 和 reduce anxiety just by creating 不同类型的空间 that respond to the learner’s needs for stimulation, naturalness 和 safety. 通过创造促进选择的环境, 灵活性和连接性, the responsive designer can appeal to a student’s need for relatedness while still promoting autonomy. 

最终, it takes both passive 和 active 学习 environments to engage students, 和潜在的, 激励他们. While the responsive designer can help create an environment that will lessen student anxiety 和 help mediate 学习, 同时也有助于激励学习者, student voice in the design process is the missing ingredient in creating a truly motivating 学习 environment. Student voice in the design process has the potential to increase motivation in 学习 because it gives the learner a sense of identity. 如果我们设计学习环境来吸引学习者, 为什么不在设计过程中包含它们呢?

