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Adapting Cities in the Climate Change Era

Over the last few years, climate change has brought scorching heat waves, severe flooding, and other natural disasters to the heels of cities. 我们现在必须重新考虑减灾工作,不仅要保护城市居民和基础设施, but decade’s worth of progress.

By Erinn McKinney


October 10, 2018

With their endless amenities, opportunities, and services, 难怪世界上如此多的人口被城市所吸引. While there are many advantages of urban life, 人口的大量集中也带来了巨大的挑战, 其中许多都因气候变化和不稳定的天气而加剧.

Over the last few years, climate change has brought scorching heat waves, severe flooding, and other natural disasters to the heels of cities. 城市现在必须重新考虑减灾,不仅要保护居民和基础设施, but decade’s worth of progress.

Approaches to Creating Resilient Cities

我们如何才能创建具有可持续性和适应性的弹性城市? It starts with cross-disciplinary collaboration. Landscape architects, urban planners, 建筑师必须共同努力,创造一个能够支持大自然的惊喜和变化的城市. 以下是一些城市迄今为止采用的方法:

Weather Phenomenon: Floods

对于全球许多城市来说,强降水和飓风增加是一个可怕的现实. 温度的升高使大气能够容纳更多的水, which in turn, leads to more intense rainfalls. 由于城市的表面主要是沥青等不透水材料, this makes them highly susceptible to flooding. This is why the idea of a “sponge city” is so enticing. 海绵城市采用生态方式自然地储存、清洁和排水. Rather than funneling it away, 通过整合透水路面,水可以保留以备将来使用, raised walkways, and natural floodplains like wetlands. By retaining and absorbing the incoming water, 城市可以保护基础设施免受暴雨的影响.

另一个有趣的概念是种植“森林墙”,作为社区和威胁海浪之间的缓冲. 沿着海岸线种植的树木长大后可以减轻来袭的潮汐波的力量. 这种方法可以保护社区和环境免受剧烈影响.

Weather Phenomenon: Heat waves

Heat waves are a huge problem for cities. 农村地区降温速度更快,而城市往往能保持热量. 在人口超过一百万的地区,气温可以达到 1.8-5.4 degrees warmer than surrounding areas, 会导致日落后温差高达22华氏度. 城市规划者可以利用风道来创造通风走廊,通过引导新建筑来增强空气流动,并自然冷却城市街道来对抗这种影响.

Building material choices also make a difference. 城市通常被深色的屋顶和路面覆盖,这些屋顶和路面可以吸收热量. 通过将屋顶涂成白色或用更反光的材料代替,这可以 transfer up to 35% of their energy to buildings below them.

随着气候变化影响的恶化,我们的城市必须优先考虑恢复能力. To adapt to changing weather patterns, 来自不同学科的团体和利益攸关方必须共同努力,设计和实施保护措施. By making sustainable changes now, 我们可以保护我们几代人创造的城市环境, 并继续为子孙后代提供新的机会.


Image from Wikimedia Commons

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